Marko Šprem personal page



Work and Education

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Short Bio

I was born in Zagreb in 1988. I received my Masters degree in 2014 from University in Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing (UNIZG-FER). My research during the study was focused on fiber optic technology. From January 2015 till January 2019 I worked as a research assistant in Applied optics laboratory (AOLab) of the Department of Communication and Space Technologies (ZKIST) on few science projects involving fiber optic communications and sensor systems.

I graduated in October 2018 with PhD thesis titled “Optical communication based on wavelength reuse and modulation averaging” with Summa Cum Laude, under the supervision of prof. Dubravko Babić.

From January 2019 till September 2020 I was enrolled as PostDoc in the Department of Electronic Systems and Information Processing (ZESOI), where I was researching photonic signal processing, optical RF filters and other photonic technologies.

From September 2020 till April 2022 I was in position of PostDoc / Project Advisor in prof. Iva Tolić Group at Ruđer Bošković Institute in Zagreb, Croatia, on an ERC Synergy project titled “Molecular origins of aneuploidies in healthy and diseased human tissues.” There I entered the world of laser microscopy, particulary fluorescence microscopy and super-resolution.

From May 2022 till May 2024 I was back as PostDoc at UNIZG-FER in ZKIST where I worked on HRZZ project MMESENSE (Smart platform for millimeter-wave environmental and industrial sensing). My research focus was on biomedical imaging in the fields of photoacoustics and SWIR imaging (short-wave infrared).

Father of two little super-heroes.